How To Practice Mindfulness
As the owner of an Australian swimwear brand I am a busy woman, but I find that when I practice mindfulness everyday I feel less stressed. I can handle the stress in a calmer way, ensuring I can put more energy into delivering the best possible value for my Australian swimwear brand.
So take a deep breath, take a moment and read about how mindfulness will help your mental and physical health.
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is more than just a buzzword for the self-help or self-development types. It's actually extremely helpful for everyone's health and wellbeing. Mindfulness is just about being 100% present in the present moment and not thinking about the future.
In my case, I'm always thinking about how to provide the best service and value within my ethical swimwear brand. How can I then provide services to the not for profits I want to assist? How do I live a balanced life? How do I do it all? The list goes on.
I am sure you have your own things that worry you, your own bad habits and tendencies you want to work on. Life is a work in progress and nothing is ever perfect. I'm here to be real with you.. To share my own story as well as helping you with yours.
When it comes to mindfulness, all you need is to take one moment every now and again to be present and re-centre yourself and you will reap the benefits. Sounds simple I know. However, sometimes the simplest things can seem difficult. Read on to better understand.
How does mindfulness work?
I've done a lot of research lately on the mind, wellbeing and how the brain works. I recently read a book called "Breaking the habit of being yourself" by Dr Joe Dispenza. Joe explains that the mind can be altered, and that we are not necessarily "stuck" with any particular thoughts or habits.
Since the discovery of Einsteins E=MC2 (meaning energy and matter are one in the same), when quantum physics was born we have figured out that we create our own reality. Not until we observe something, does it exist. The mind is SO powerful, much more than we have ever been lead to believe.
If you're interested i'll speak more about this in another blog, but the main point is that we end up with so much internal chatter and don't even realise it's happening.
We talk to ourselves constantly, however YOU have the power to quiet the mind with just a thought. Once you become aware of this chatter, everything starts to change. Repetition is the key, just like anything else. You can train your mind to stop the negative thoughts and enhance the positives.
Mindfulness works by focusing on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting your thoughts, feelings and sensations as they come into the mind. Simply note that they are there and come back to your present senses.
The benefits of mindfulness for your mental health
When you begin being more mindful in your life you will see multiple benefits especially with your mental health, some of these may include:
- Reduce anxiety
- Improves cognition
- Increase body satisfaction
- Help curb negative thoughts
- Improves your overall mental health
- Less reactive to stress
The benefits of mindfulness for your physical health
As well as the multiple mental health benefits you will notice once you begin practicing mindfulness you will also see benefits with your physical health. Some of these may include:
- Improves sleep quality
- Helps with chronic pain
- Helps to fight inflammation
- Lowered blood pressure
- Increased immunity
- Lowered heart rate
- Higher brain functioning
- Clarity of the mind
How to practice mindfulness for anxiety
Taking the time to practice mindfulness has often helped me when I have felt anxious or been going through bouts of anxiety. Anxiety primarily comes from worrying about past or future events and assuming that they will play out in a certain way, or that someone thinks a certain way about you etc.
Heres a thought.. You could be totally wrong! Your mind produces a thought, that then produces a feeling, and in turn you take it as truth. Stopping the mind at the original thought is your best option.
Mindfulness can assist you in quietening the mind, observing these thoughts and allowing you to change them. As well as simply increase your capacity to feel calm, and change your perspective on any given situation after completing just a few minutes of the below tasks.
There are some specific practices that can help benefit anxiety including:
- Meditating
- Going for a walk
- Slow breathing
- Unpluging from all devices
- Journaling
How to practice mindfulness at work
I find that making an effort to practice mindfulness at work means that I am less stressed and more productive when designing Charlie Mae’s recycled swimwear. Here are a few ways to practice mindfulness at work:
- Take note of the positive. Diary! When you arrive at the office, begin with a list of tasks and have a little box to tick next to it once complete. This way you can focus on the one task and you will have a clear mind about the tasks necessary to complete for the day. Before you leave the office each day take just 1 minute to look over what you accomplished. Taking this time to make note of your accomplishment will end the day positively.
- Focus on one task at a time. There can be a tendency to multitask in an effort to get more done faster but by focusing on one task you are also being mindful and more present. If a colleague asks you to get something done, note it down and tell them you'll get back to them when you have time. Make sure you give a realistic time frame to others and be firm with it.
- Use the Pomodoro method. There are multiple apps that will help with your productivity using the Pomodoro method which prompts you to take 5 mins breaks at 25 minute intervals. In these breaks you can take that time to take deep breaths or just re-centre yourself for the next task. Get up, take a walk or buy a coffee and get some fresh air.
How to practice mindfulness throughout the day
There are simple practices you can begin today that will allow you to practice mindfulness throughout your day.
Start with these 3 simple mindful practices:
- Start your day with purpose - Take 5 minutes when you first wake up to take a few deep meaningful breaths, relax and set an intention for the day. You can even take moments throughout the day to check in with yourself and that intention.
- Savour every bite - Begin eating more mindfully by taking a deep breath before you begin, eat in peace when we chat or similar during eating we don’t focus on what we are putting in our mouths and can easily overeat. Listen to your body, when you are full stop eating and if you don’t want to eat it don’t.
- Listen. Ask someone else how their day is. Don't just hear their words, LISTEN to what they're saying. When you actively see someone struggling it will benefit you both if you're there for them. Notice how people behave around you and help where you can. You'll feel better for it and the energy will lift around you.
So take the time to take a moment and focus on where you are and what you are doing right now, take a deep breath. Already feel better? It's simple, but so effective.
If you want to take a moment and help support an amazing ethical swimwear brand, check out our range of Australian sustainable swimwear. I hope this article inspires you to begin a mindfulness practice and reap the benefits of being more present in your life.